Deep_Forest Mailing List
Mailing lists serve a similar purpose to newsgroups: They're both excellent ways to stay in-the-know about your favorite hobby, obsession, or fetish. The main difference is that you go to a newsgroup to check out what people have been saying, but by subscribing to a mailing list, the mountain comes to Muhammad - the latest contribution is sent to you via email. And any time you send email to a mailing list, everyone who subscribes to that list gets it. The wealth of up-to-the-minute news, opinion, and gossip make mailing lists valuable resources.
The Deep_Forest mailing list is for the Deep Forest Fans. By subscribing to this list you will be in contact with a lot of other Deep Forest fans.
By subscribing to this mailing list you might even get 4 or 5 emails every day!!
Note: The "Deep_Forest Mailing List" is different from the "Deep Forest News Letter". The "News Letter" is an email written by me, Kimm Kroll, that comes out about once every 2 months, to subscribe to the News Letter please go to the bottom of the Main page. On the other hand, on this page you can subscribe to the "Deep_Forest Mailing List" as described above.
Copyright © Kimm Kroll 1998
